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Welcome to the Hybrid Nation, Where the literary revolution is in your hands.

We are an independent writer's dream, dedicated completely to the promotion of quality writing; novels, Articles, blogs; anything interesting.

Subscribe to our newsletter to receive a free preview of Angel Ramon's first book "The Thousand Years War", and be eligible to receive further free treasures to help get the creative juices flowing.

Hit the button below to join the revolutionary juggernaut that is the hybrid nation!

Explore away!

The Revolution Will Be Televised:


independent writers of the world unite!

The Hybrid Nation is the future force of the literary world!

We're here to manipulate the future to serve our own destinies; It begins today!

the English-Language is a rapidly changing beast, and evolving a lot quicker than anyone could have dreamed was possible. There is no longer a "correct" way of writing, and now's the perfect time to bury protocol. writing within bounds and following formulas no longer exists. Those theories are dead. the Bigotry is over. No more will there be missed opportunities for young writers, who once would write to a structure, in fear of mockery and failure. We encourage all to blossom, branch out and explore the wonderful force that is language. Write with freedom, with intensity and verve. Write without fear, with joy and above all else, with a revolutionary mind. The greatest humans of our time are the ones who broke free from the shackles of the square. the ones who spoke in colours and thought in rainbows. That could be you!

Hence, the Hybrid Nation's existence. We provide young writers a platform, where there will be no judgement, and where works will be promoted and shared on the basis of quality, not the following of rule.

As young as we are, we already have several members in this growing movement, such is the energy and excitement buzzing through our community. we want you to be a part of this too.

We are Hybrids; this means that we are not limited to, or enforced by templates. In other words, in our world, the rules are there to be broken for the betterment of all.

Watch our intro below and hit us up if you've got the game.

Respect the black and white!

Have a float around our navigation menu to see what we're about. books, articles & blogs written by members of the Nation, promotion and purchase info, our growing roster... and more!

Our blog is the big one; that's where we promote and share projects, ideas and free thought.

feel free to contact us anytime to share ideas, hit us up with feedback, and of course, if you would like to ride the wave with us.

Thanks for Visiting and...


Welcome to the Revolution!!!!!

The Nation is proudly sponsored by The Low Road!


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