Alison Clarke
We at the Nation are happy to introduce you to Alison Clarke to the roster! She is an Afro-Candian who currently resides in Edmonton, Canada. Alison is a sweet woman and a great person to meet for any aspiring writer and she is on the path to getting her Master's Degree as she is working on her thesis. Her parents are originally from the island of Barbados.
She is a children's author, but is now joining the world of young adult literature. Her latest book, The Sisterhood, chronicles her latest journey in this odyssey. A tale filled with Celtic, Greek, and Ghanaian mythology, The Sisterhood will delight all audiences. Kids, ten and up, as well as adults will be entranced with the story of Oppie and Aurie. Oppie is the daughter of a sorceress, and Aurie, her best friend, is a dragon. In the first book of this trilogy, they go on a journey to save the universe. Alison Clarke's passion for the Arthurian tales, as well as medieval literature like Chaucer, also fuels her writing. Her first degree is in Sociology with a double minor in French and English. She is now working on a Master's degree in Children's literature. Storytelling is her calling, and whether she is writing, painting, or drawing, story is key. Reading is another passion, and many different genres interest her, including biography, fantasy, poetry, art books, and so on. Alison believes that the word is a powerful thing, and this is evident in many different literary forms. She also believes that art, whether it's literary or visual can change the world, can make the world a better place.
For Now, The Sisterhood is the only published work she has. However she does have the second book of the series prepared to come out for February of this coming year. So we will keep you updated!!!
To check out her book "The Sisterhood" click here!
To learn more about Alison or to connect with her on social media click on the links below!
Twitter: mythologist200
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