About Us
Welcome to our website! Here at the Hybrid Nation, we're here to bury the traditional stereotypes that you have to be super "educated" to bring wonderful stories to the literary world and readers alike. Just like a fellow author has written on one of his blogs and has told me personally, the English language is a language that is changing constantly and much more rapidly than we think. It's time to bury all of the old flabby-dubby baby-boomer rules and it's time to usher in the new generation of writers. That's because they're many talented new authors who just need a chance to spread their wings! It seems that talented young authors are frequently shot down in flames by "know-it-all Baby-Boomers' who fanatically believe their version of "good writing" is the only acceptable version. I call crap and bigotry on that, time to retire old folks and let the unorthodox newer writers out there take their proper throne! Funny thing is the person who was the inspiration of this New World Order is a baby-boomer himself who is sick and tired of the so-called "grammar Nazi's". To him, on behalf of the Hybrid Nation we salute you and you will be mentioned on this website!
Let the Revolution begin! Time to show everyone that the future writers will break the walls that were once put in place in the literary world. The English Language is changing quickly, quicker than you think! Any new writers looking for advice, guidance, publishing advice, looking for new friends in the writing world or looking to join a club for the heck of it, invitations are open to anyone. However, we ask that everyone plays a role, whether is giving advice about writing or presenting their books so we can promote it to our fan base! It's for all the future writers to get out of their shells and into the known world. We are all multitalented hybrids who can write multiple genres and also interact with our fans in innovative ways! Prepare! For the revolutionary force has been born in the literary world! Respect the black and white!
-Writing(Mostly Fiction), but we're open to non-fiction as well.
-Reading, we love to read and review books that are good and a fun ride!
-Blogging, we love sharing new ideas every day.
-Just Being Ourselves, the biggest thing about the Hybrid Nation is the freedom to be ourselves without judgment!
Hybrid Nation Motto
We love to write! Whether is to write blogs on just our daily lives, book reviews, and writing tips or write full-fledged novels, we share a passion for writing! We also love to share ideas and our works, no greddy hogs here. If you don't love to share, then stay out. Besides sharing is fun and is much better than being greedy.
Anyway, navigation is rather easy just click on the menu on the top navigate through the different pages of the website. Which include members, books by the Hybrid Nation, blog posts, interesting articles, a little more about our mission and what we like to do and finally how you can contact us or how to join our group and join the revolution!