An idea locked away for 10+ years finally comes out!
Article By: Angel Ramon Medina
Hello my name is Angel Ramon (Medina) the author of "The Thousand Years War" it is my first novel but yet I'm so proud of it because writing a novel has always been a dream of mines. What you see above is one of the paperback versions of my book that are available. However this idea had been in developmental hell for over 10 years and it's not because I didn't like to write but because of life itself. I finished school, got a job and got involved in my first serious relationship which is now at a complicated stage due to distance. In the 8th grade I had this novel in my head including the plot from beginning to end. When I wasn't thinking of my novel I would write short stories whether for school assignments or for fun. So you can says I been a writer for a very long time although I have never published anything until now it's been a hidden talent of mines for all of those lost years. What you see below is a spaceship that I been imagining for over 10+ years if you can believe that of an alien spaceship.
So I entered High School saying to myself ok Angel let's write this book and I started my outline but that is as far as I got for a very long time. That's because I enjoyed the fruits of being in the popular/cool group and the girls were crazy for me lol. Although I had "relationships" with some of these girls nothing ever got serious simply because I wasn't ready for a serious relationship I wanted to make sure I finished High School first. Long story short my focus shifted from writing my novel to keeping my grades up and remaining in the top 20 when it came to popularity. Don't get me wrong I enjoyed my High School years, I loved those years but I say I could of and should of fit some time to write my novel. My book idea would get locked away for another 4 years.
You see that girl with me she ended up being my first serious relationship I would have after High School and one again I would get distracted from writing my novel in fact I didn't even write short stories anymore. I started to write poetry as my girlfriend is a poet so she taught me how to write poetry which I honest always found to be boring lol. Yet with her she made it so much fun and with that I notice my writing skills begun to improve as well, yet all I had was the outline to my story. However as the years went by I started to make changes to my book because I was starting to experience more of what life had to offer me. At the age of 24 I decided I would start to write my book with the encouragement of my girlfriend but I took a trip to Puerto Rico and once again my mind was distracted away from my book. At least I had the first chapter written. Then last year I made the move to live in Puerto Rico and at first it was hard but when I was finally settled in I said it's nice and peaceful. I finally buckled down and wrote my novel and in three months my book was complete and published. I gave myself the biggest pat in the back in the world. An idea that was locked away for more than 10 years finally came out on ink and paper and out for the world to see it.
So the moral of the story is if you have an idea that has been locked away for a long time take the time to reexamine it you never know it may be the next big idea. Also, I feel like my book is much better than it would have been had I written it back in the 8th grade like I wanted to since the characters are a much better reflection of my life as a whole. I made many new friends along the way who inspired me to write this book. What you see above is me holding my paperback version in my hand feeling proud of myself! For an idea that was locked away for more than 10 years, it sure came out the way I wanted it to come out. And my friends that is what writing is all about the love of writing and creating! By the way, I'm halfway through my second book that I hope to get out by mid to late summer. Hope you enjoyed this post and know that it's never too late to try an old idea and it doesn't have to be writing. Trying won't kill you!
Hope you enjoyed this article about my journey and I hope this inspires you to follow your dream! Go for it, it won't kill you!