CB Archer
CB Archer has stopped into the Hybrid Nation for an interview, I’m sure our fans would like to get to know this Fantasy/Sci-Fi/LGBT/Humour/Elfrotica novelist a lot better. He currently lives in the Okanagan Valley region in Canada. He also likes plenty of other things besides writing. As seen on his website he is a hard-working author willing to pay his dues and is trying to write the best book possible, after all isn’t that what we authors want to accomplish. Anyway let’s quit the small talk, hehehe. CB Archer, welcome and let’s get this interview started!
Hi there Angel!
1. When did you decide to become an author?
I had always been writing stories as a kid, but it didn’t click that I could be a writer until much later on. I wish I had thought about that better as a teen, but honestly, who thinks about stuff rationally as a teen?
2. Why did you decide to become an author?
I had a tendency to start creative projects and never finish them. When writing my book trilogy I almost abandoned it like the rest, but a friend found out on accident that I was writing and demanded to read it. They didn’t hate it, which was a big push to keep going – so I did!
3. What genres do you plan to write besides Fantasy and LGBT?
I often joke that my writing is in the genre of Elfrotica, which is its own new undiscovered genre that I made up. That isn’t that far from the truth.
My larger novels are Fantasy, with heavy doses of humor, satire, romance, and of course sexiness. I also have some shorter novelettes called the tales which are more diverse in their genres. So far I have tackled Sci-Fi, Historical, Military, Post Apocalyptic, and even cooking. There are plans for some Noir and other secret genres in the works!
4. Besides writing what else do you like to do and what are your hobbies?
I quite like video games, which heavily influences my writing. I also like drawing, making pixel art into beads, sculpting, reading, and if I have time for it – sleeping.
5. Who’s your biggest inspiration for your writing?
That would probably be Link, from the Legend of Zelda series. Or maybe Legolas. It is a tough call. There are a lot of sexy man-elves out there.
6. How much time do you dedicate to writing your book?
The first one certainly took a lot longer than the rest! I learned from that and now am much faster. I have been told that I am a fast writer (now), which is a blessing that I am happy to have.
7. How important do you think writing is to the young generation?
With all the flashier graphics in games and movies, it is easy to forget that without solid writing all of those flashy experiences would be nothing but flash. The world needs writers, or all movies and games are going to be terrible.
8. How excited were you when you finally published your first book?
I danced through the grocery store moments later, buying ingredients for victory tacos. I got many a wide-eyed stare. So, a victory dance while shopping for taco ingredients level of excitement.
9. What is the easiest part of writing in your opinion?
Writers are going to hate me for this answer, but I will say it anyway. Blurb writing! So many people fear them, but I love them. See, the problem is that I wrote my first blurb before I learned that they are hard to do. Therefore, I have never been scared of them. That’s good advice to any writer – never learn to fear!
10. What is the hardest part of writing in your opinion?
Reading your Elfrotica out loud for an audience. Seriously, I blush so bad. There are sexy monster cocks in there!
11. What is your favorite and least favorite part of writing?
Favourite: Making people laugh and/or making them sexy excited. Both are great! Knowing I make people laugh and/or fap is great!
Least Favourite: Final Edits. I don’t mind a bit of editing, but after pass 5 it is definitely time for some sexy tacos.
12. What can we expect from you next in the short term?
I have a few more Tales in my series of Novelettes to finish. After that I am not sure if I will bang into my next trilogy, or go with a shorter novel I had an idea for. Probably both!
As for the long term I started some video game making tutorials, and I hope to release a game someday!
13. How do you deal with writer's block?
The main problem when writer's block is that their defense score increases making it hard to do much damage with your regular attack. I find that using a move that causes poison is your best bet. That writer will sit there defending as their health slowly ticks away. Silly writer.
14. How much more do you prefer writing novels over short stories?
I don’t think I do. I have written a full fantasy trilogy and 10k Novelettes and I have just as much fun and joy with both. Editing the smaller ones is much easier though!
15. If you like to say anything else such as advice, shoutouts, or just whatever’s in your mind say it now. The stage is yours!
I will stay classy here and give advice to aspiring authors:
Stop starting tomorrow.
Well that’s a wrap ladies and gentleman. It was nice talking to this brilliant and kind-hearted man. CB Archer it was an honor talking to you and once again congrats on your books and achievements, that is certainly an honor to be proud of! I wish you the best on your future endeavors and may your success continue for years to come.
By the way please check out this man’s website https://annalsofgentalia.wordpress.com/ it’s a really cool website and this man is an overall cool man to be friends with. Finally give a check to his social links and his books!
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Twitter: @CB_Archer
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/people/CB-Archer/100006197627949