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Christopher M. Struck

Christopher M. Struck has stopped into the Hybrid Nation for an interview, I’m sure our fans would like to get to know this upcoming novelist a lot better. He currently lives in New York City, my old hometown. He also likes plenty of other things besides writing. As seen on his website he is a hard-working author willing to pay his dues and is trying to write the best book possible, after all, isn’t that what we authors want to accomplish. Anyway, let’s quit the small talk, hehehe. Christopher M. Struck, welcome and let’s get this interview started!


1. When did you decide to become an author/writer?


Throughout my childhood and schooling, I wrote creatively and whenever I did, someone told me that either I didn’t have what it took to be a writer or I didn’t have the skill. Every time someone told me that I couldn’t be a writer, I became more determined to prove them wrong.


2. Why did you decide to become an author?


To put it simply, to be the greatest writer seems like the most difficult task anyone could undertake in life. So, in an effort to challenge myself to the greatest degree possible, I have set out to take the mantle as the greatest writer.


3. What genres do you plan to write?


I plan to write within the category of Literary Fiction. I want to revive the modern tragedy to a level that we have not seen in quite some time.


4. Besides writing what else do you like to do and what are your hobbies?


I am known for getting myself into all sorts of interesting situations and coming back with tales to tell. I would say my main hobby is to sink myself into the fabric of the city in which I live to understand its people and its subcultures.


5. Who’s your biggest inspiration for your writing?


This is clearly the toughest question. At the moment, I would say that my biggest inspirations are Ernest Hemingway and Rachel Kushner. However, there are a number of other great writers out there that have played a role in inspiring me to write what and how I do.


6. How much time do you dedicate to writing your book?


I started writing the characters and outline in April 2016. It took me a few more reads and a lot more planning to finish the book by mid-December.



7. How important do you think writing is to the young generation?


I think writing is the way in which we transcribe the past onto the future in a way that is meaningful and personally relevant. Without writing, I do not think that we can prepare for tomorrow in quite the same way.


8. How excited will you be when you finally publish your first book?


I feel like I have finally found my purpose in life. To let this book free and see what it can be.


9. What is the easiest part of writing in your opinion?


The easiest part of writing is when I find a way to work in my own experience.


10. What is the hardest part of writing in your opinion?


The hardest part of writing (for me) is the emotional toll that builds as I grow with the characters.


11. What is your favorite and least favorite part of writing?


When I am close to completion, I feel full and satisfied. That is the best. My least favorite part is trying to sell my work to agents etc. I feel like these are my secrets that I am sharing, but I also think that they could be important for other people. So hopefully people enjoy it.


12. What can we expect from you next in the short term after your first book?


I’ll be preparing the next one.


13. How do you deal with writer's block?


I try to structure a narrative in a way that it allows me to write the whole thing through as if in a fit of inspiration. It doesn’t always work. If it doesn’t work, I usually just abandon the project.


14. How much more do you prefer writing novels over short stories?


I enjoy reading and writing short stories. I think they can be incredibly forceful.



15. If you like to say anything else such as advice, shoutouts, or just whatever’s in your mind say it now. The stage is yours!


Thank you, Angel, for being an inspiration and advocating for other writers. Please check out my book, Kennig and Gold, available on April 5th.



Well, that’s a wrap ladies and gentleman. It was nice talking to this brilliant and kind-hearted man. Christopher, it was an honor talking to you and once again congrats on your upcoming books and achievements, that is certainly an honor to be proud of! I wish you the best on your future endeavors and may your success continue for years to come.


By the way please check out this man’s website it’s a really cool website and this man is an overall cool man to be friends with. Finally, give a check to his social links and his books!


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