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The Photograph wins big at Indie Awards!

Article By: Angel Ramon Medina

If you didn't know, Grant Leishman won the Indie Book Award for Paranormal Fiction with his book "The Photograph". I don't know about you, but I wish I could give this man a big hug! I said to myself, "Wait I read that book and fell in love with it! I smell a winner here at the Hybrid Nation!" Just like everyone here in the nation is a winner, Grant is an excellent writer. His genres are not my cup of tea, but I still love reading his works or at least the ones I been able to get to, lol.


He had to go through a vigorous month of earning votes from his followers and fellow nation members. I went and voted for him every day! I made sure that book got voted in because it's a must read. Now I won't get into what the book is about, you can read that for yourself. This man has given me the hope and instilled confidence to improve my writing skills. So from the student to the teacher, congrats on your achievement.


If you want to find out more about "The Photograph" click here to be taken to his book page where you can check it out for yourself! To check out his website click here.


P.S - Grant you might be "old", but age is just a number and your mind has a lot of youth left in it! So keep on writing and I will keep on learning! From the Hybrid Nation: We Salute you!


To check out the official results of the competition and see the other winners click here!

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