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Do Mediums Make Better Writers

This will be one of my weirder blog posts if not the weirdest article I’ve written. However I’m writing from my heart and that’s the point I want to get across. So sit back and enjoy this article that you might not be reading on many other author sites. Just don’t freak out!


When we associate writers, don’t we associate them with people with crazy imaginations or people who are only good at writing? Don’t we? The answer is yes we do and when we talk to an author, the subject of where their ideas come from comes up during the conservation. Authors usually have their ideas come from a movie they saw, books they have read or video games they played. One thing that authors rarely say is that their ideas come from the supernatural or from the other side. To be fair I myself haven’t met an author who is a Medium or can communicate with the other side. This may to come to your surprise or not, depending on how much you know about me, but I’m a Medium myself. I just happen to keep it to myself as other “Mediums” should do and the honest truth is that this special gift only goes to certain people. Don’t let the “Long Island Medium” double-talk you into believing her crap, because she’s a phony!

Some of you might say that I’m a total lunatic, but I know I possess the power to communicate with the other side. Before we complicate matters by mixing in the writing world, let me explain to you quickly what a Medium is exactly. This will not be a textbook definition though, so if you want a “textbook” idea go Google it.


A Medium is a special kind of person regardless of religion that’s able to communicate with the dead, predict the future through dreams and see things that a normal human being cannot see. However, according to my experiences, many people who are Mediums that I know practice Catholicism or some sort of Paganism. Some Mediums are even able to use dreams to predict someone’s death. It’s all about the theory of the guardian Angel. We all have one, although many people don’t believe in having one or simply aren’t born with the gift of knowing so and that’s ok. Just take a look at me, I’m a Medium and I have no idea who my guardian is, but what I do know is that he/she or even it’s watching me. I find myself having full blown conversations with my dead uncle who I never met in my life. He passed away way before I was even born, but I see him perfectly, please don’t judge. You might ask, how you communicate with the dead. Are there any special conditions that have to be met? The answer would be yes, but only the spirits themselves know the answer to that question. Mediums can only do the best they can to accommodate with the dead spirits. Nevertheless Mediums are the only ones who can see these supernatural beings.


Who are these beings? They could be anybody, such as family members who are dead, dead friends or a person you might not even know at all yet that person is watching over you. Due to the fact that spirits have no matter, they can come in any form or shape and most importantly come at any time. Primetime tends to be at nighttime and when we’re sleeping our heads away.


Now for my Puerto Rican, Cuban or other Hispanic nation readers you might get us Mediums confused with Santeros. We do not practice Santeria. I personally know what it is and some people who know me well might confuse me for one because I have some statues that Santeros use. However, this is a subject for another article or better yet a personal conservation with me. I will say there’s a difference with talking with the dead and messing with them, I will leave it at that. If you wish to learn more about Santeria, please Google it.

Now that you have an idea what a Medium is or at least a basic idea, we can now get to the question at the title of this post. Do Mediums make better writers or is this complete nonsense. The answer to that question at least, in my opinion, would be yes. It's one thing to have a great imagination and that’s awesome, I happen to have one myself. However, it’s another thing to be able to experience the supernatural in real life and actually talk to the spirits that are watching over us. Mediums are perhaps the best “unknown” writers because many of them keep to themselves and not everybody is a believer of spirits.


As a result, Mediums don’t have to tap into their imagination too much or rely on using cliché ideas from other books. They have the unique ability to use their personal encounters in their works and readers will be able to see the authenticity of the writer’s experience. Even if the writer should use that experience in fictional works, it will still prove to be beneficial. You see people want to be able to go to the other side and see what happens when one dies. Mediums with their ability to talk to the other side can enhance their stories naturally without forcing it into their story. Writing comes to those chosen ones easier as in their own little world anything that can happen, does happen. In otherwords, with their special gift, Mediums can create worlds that no one else would even think of creating. They’re able to create stories that are anything but cliché or superficial to other readers. World building comes to these special easily and characterization can be rather complex as they will go beyond the corporal world. It’s only a shame that these people who are mediums and authors aren’t bestselling authors. Then again, just like me, they do it for the art, not for the money. In fact, as a rule, Mediums are not allowed to sell their abilities to others. This is where writing comes in, where there are no rules to what a book needs to be.


The secret to a good book and a good selling one at that is making it outside the box. Mediums possess the greatest ability to think outside the box and make their stories very special and unique to their readers. Although to some non-believers reading a story written by a Medium might scare their pants off. If you read The Thousand Years War, there are many references to the supernatural that normal human beings would not be able to comprehend. The reason it took me so little time to write the epic novel was because everything came naturally. In fact, the “paranormal” parts or the points of the story where my abilities shine were the easiest and most enjoyable to write. The reason for that was because I had experiences that were similar, making me enjoy writing my first novel that much more. From that point on writing and world building became much easier, simply because of my gift.

Even writing this article is coming easily to me, as I feel I have a purpose in life and a very special gift. To be honest, it goes beyond just being a good storyteller, it’s being able to talk to my lost relatives and knowing that the loves still exists even though they maybe gone. Are there days I don’t sleep well? Well yeah of course, especially if I come out of one of these weird dreams. However, I get up and analyze the dream and I decide to use it in one of my stories. Many people love my stories because of the action, but because of the fact that the world is so unique that they would never think of it themselves. In conclusion, Mediums are more special than we give them credit for. They are perhaps the greatest writers of all time, even better than the best selling authors out there because they have gift that is unique to them. I am proud to have this gift and trust me it’s not something you practice, it’s something you’re born with. I hope you enjoyed this article and you learned a little something about Mediums. I would like to end by saying, if you’re a Medium give writing a book a try. You might just be surprised how easily it comes to you. For Angel, let the spirits speak to you!


For a textbook definition of Mediums check out:


To check out the books of this fellow Medium check out:

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