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Janus: The Devil's Election Preview

Article By: Angel Ramon Medina

I'm pleased to announce my next book will be a political thriller. I'm about to hit 25,000 words into it. I was hoping to have it out for the beginning of January, but it looks like it will be delayed until the end of the month.

Anyway, I just wanted to give you a preview of the story or what the blurb will be, no official release dates will be given out. It's too early for that, but I will keep you posted on my progress on my twitter account @puertorico05971.​

It's September 11, 2016, only 2 months away from the most controversial election in the history of the United States. Donald Trump and Hilary Clinton are both running for office, but they both could not be any more hated by the American public.

Meanwhile, an organization called the Terrorist killers are investigating a substance known as the stem-cell substance. It supposedly extends the lifespan of a human being and be the next great breakthrough in genetic engineering. However as with any high-profile drug, it's being distributed illegally. What starts off as an ordinary drug bust begins to escalate rather quickly into a conspiracy plot that will have serious implications on the general election of 2016.












As the story deepens it turns out that an arch-nemesis of the Terrorist Killers is behind all this, known as Janus. He's using the funding of Trump and Clinton to fund the drug's distribution and his criminal activities. In exchange, he promises to rig the election, by hacking into the voting machines and changing the votes to the president that pays him the most. What no one knows is who this Janus character really is, a two-faced conniving snake who's been wanted by the FBI for the longest. Does Janus intend to keep his promise or is he a traitor to the American people along with the stem-cell substance.

It will be up to Mariano Hernandez the star agent to find out the true identity of Janus, something no one knows not even the FBI. Do the stem-cell's really help extend the lifespan of a human or is it hiding a more sinister effect.

Who will win the election, the ultra-conservative Donald Trump, the ultra-liberal Hilary Clinton or will Janus plunge the United States into his own idea of socialism. What are the true intentions of Trump, Clinton, and Janus?













You'll have to find out in a story where no one can be trusted, everybody is a suspect, the fate of the united States is at stake and one substance can destroy mankind. Everybody will be backstabbing each other just to get ahead, is there anyone Mariano can trust or will he need eyes behind his back as well. Find out in:

Janus: The Devil's Election

Coming in early 2017!!!

You will never see politics the same ever again after reading this book. For 007 fans it's a redux of your favorite agent!




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