Jaqueline Stone
Another author has stopped into the Hybrid Nation for an interview, man we’re really picking up now! She’s a novelist and a horror writer who enjoys scaring her writers to bed. She likes plenty of other things besides writing, but we’ll let her describe those hobbies herself. As seen on her website at http://jaquelinestone.tk/ , she is a hard-working author willing to pay her dues and is trying to write the best horror book possible, after all, isn’t that what we horror/Sci-Fi authors want to accomplish. Anyway, let’s quit the small talk, hehehe. Jaqueline Stone, welcome to the Hybrid Nation and let’s get this interview started!
1. When did you decide to become an author?
I consciously chose to become and author, when I started to believe in myself, that I could write. At first writing, a book seemed intimidating, but the more I wrote the more comfortable I got.
2. Why did you decide to become an author?
To be honest I never chose to be an author it chose me. I had a great idea for a book and originally pitched it to Aminah Iman. But she convinced me to write it myself, and the rest is horror J
3. What genres do you plan to write for the future or is horror your main staple for the rest of your career?
I want to dip a little into Sci-Fi and folklore, maybe even other mythology. I love diversity. But horror will always be my first love.
4. Besides writing what else do you like to do and what are your hobbies?
Everything Lmao! You can always find my in the kitchen, crocheting, or meditating. I make homemade tinctures and herbal remedies in my spare time. And I also like to read, paint, and sketch. Anything to do with crafting I’m your girl!
5. Who’s your biggest inspiration for your writing?
My friends and family are my biggest inspiration. Their personalities help me develop most of my characters. That and my ladies at Red Ink. We are constantly bouncing ideas off each other, and they inspire me to write what is true to me.
6. How much time do you dedicate to writing your books?
To me writing a book is like having a child. You must spend day and night nurturing it until it fully develops and is ready for the world. That being said, I’ve dedicated years to writing a book. But every book is different and reveals its self at its own pace.
7. How important do you think writing is to the young generation?
In this day and age, society places certain statures on how you should look, who you associate yourself with, and how you choose to live your life. And because of that, the younger generation get caught up in who they want to be, versus who they are. But through writing comes self-discovery, coping, and stress relief. Writing is a form of expression that helps connect you to your inner thoughts, and self-discovery. And that is what the younger generation needs right now.
9. What is the easiest part of writing in your opinion?
The easiest part of writing for me is figuring out the genre. I am a complex creature, and I need to write about something that sparks my interest. So, finding the right genre kicks off my writing.
10. What is the hardest part of writing in your opinion?
The hardest part of writing is the development. You have to make sure to cover any loopholes, unanswered questions, and foreshadowing which can alter your whole story.
11. What is your favorite and least favorite part of writing?
My favorite part about writing would have to be adding cameos, and cross over characters. But I hate the editing, spell check is not my friend and autocorrect likes to screw me over.
12. What can we expect from you next?
You can expect a Fallen Part 2 this summer, after that, you’ll just have to wait and see J
13. How much more do you prefer writing horror books over another genre?
I’m curious about all genres, horror just fits my personality and writing style best. I love having the freedom to write any sadistic thought that pops into my head.
14. Finally, how do you deal with writer's block?
I get drunk lmao Just kidding, I take a break to meditate, and listen to music. I have to have my soundproof headphone or else I’ll go nuts!
15. If you like to say anything else such as advice, shoutouts, or just whatever’s in your mind say it now. The stage is yours!
I would like to give a special thanks to all my Stoners, thank you for all your support and may we continue to grow together. And shout to the queens of horror at Red Ink. Blessing to everyone and happy writing J
Well, that’s a wrap ladies and gentleman. It was nice talking to this brilliant and kind-hearted woman. Jaqueline, it was an honor talking to you and once again congrats on your books, that is certainly an honor to be proud of! I wish you the best on your future endeavors and may your success continue for years to come.
By the way please check out this woman’s website http://jaquelinestone.tk/ it’s a really cool website and this woman is an overall cool person to be friends with. Also, check out the many interviews he’s done for others and his cool blog posts. Finally, give a check to her social links and her books!
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If you’re interested in getting Jaqueline Stone books, head over to the books Amazon page and grab yourself a copy of one of her books, you’ll enjoy them!
Link to her books: https://www.amazon.com/s/ref=dp_byline_sr_ebooks_1?ie=UTF8&field-author=Jaqueline+Stone&search-alias=digital-text&text=Jaqueline+Stone&sort=relevancerank
Social Links:
Twitter: @JaquelineStone_
Website: http://jaquelinestone.tk/