Jessica Marie Baumgartner
Another author has stopped into the Hybrid Nation for an interview. She’s a children’s author, as well as a science fiction author. She resides in the St. Louis area and has many other hobbies, but we’ll let her tell us what she likes to do for herself. We’ve had the pleasure of reading each others first books and as expected we got different, but great experiences! I have to say this is one of the more exciting interviews I been looking forward to doing! As seen on her social media platforms and website she is a hard-working author willing to pay her dues and is trying to write the best book possible, after all, isn’t that what we authors want to accomplish. Anyway, let’s quit the small talk, hehehe. Jessica, welcome to the Hybrid Nation and let’s get this interview started!
1. When did you decide to become an author?
Haha I don’t know that it was ever much of a decision. I fell into a writing gig and went from there. I’ve been at it professionally for about 6 years now.
2. Why did you decide to become an author?
I don’t often feel that being an author is a choice. I continue to write because I believe that it is important to share in the human connection.
3. What genres do you plan to write for the future or is what you write your specialty to live and die by?
I hate genres and labels. Those are for librarians. I write whatever comes to mind. That usually falls into the spec fic, non-fiction, or children’s categories.
4. Besides writing what else do you like to do and what are your hobbies?
This might take a whole page. I’m a very active person (which is why I never understand why I’m a writer). I love hiking, swimming, jogging, roller blading, scuba diving, fishing, the occasional hunt, playing with my kids and the pets, reading, painting, singing, dancing, acting, playing guitar, tickling the ivories – although I need a new piano, jumping on the bed, spinning around really fast, rolling down hills. Basically anything that makes me feel alive.
5. Who’s your biggest inspiration for your writing?
My kids
6. How much time do you dedicate to writing your books?
Depends on the book. I’ve had short stories that take longer to write than books. Sometimes a month, sometimes a couple of years.
7. How important do you think writing is to the young generation?
Being that everyone is a writer and everyone thinks they are an author, I’m not sure. I think the value of the written word has gone down, but the attitude toward it is at a high point.
8. How excited were you when you finally published your first book?
Each contract makes me wanna fly around the room, but that 1st one was more shock than excitement. haha
9. What is the easiest part of writing in your opinion?
Getting ideas. I never run out of them. I have notebooks full of ideas. I’ve never been lacking in originality.
10. What is the hardest part of writing in your opinion?
Making sure that every single sentence is as good as it can possibly be.
11. What is your favorite and least favorite part of writing?
Favorite=Those moments when I go into a trance and have no idea what I’m writing
Least favorite=Editing. Editing is the most important aspect of writing.
12. What can we expect from you next? (By the way congrats on your new book “The Golden Rule”)
Thanks. I have a sword and sorcerer novel that I am currently primping up and a plethora of unpublished material just waiting to find the right home.
13. How much more do you prefer novels over short stories or vice-versa?
I don’t prefer one over the other. Sometimes you want a short story, sometimes you want to be engrossed in a book you can’t put down.
14. How do you deal with writer's block?
Never had it. Wish I could sometimes. It would help me to slow down a bit. haha
15. Finally, how does it feel to be interview by an author who thinks the complete opposite of you in book genres and loves 007 along with Tom Clancy?
Pretty fun! Haha I do love that the writing community is so tight and encouraging regardless of genre or representation.
16. If you like to say anything else such as advice, shoutouts, or just whatever’s in your mind say it now. The stage is yours!
Don’t say that, I might write a book here. haha I always have an Oscar acceptance speech worthy list of people to thank, so I’ll leave that for the back of my books and just say this: Writing is all about connecting. If you play into that clichéd image of some reclusive drunk writer, you’re probably going to struggle. This industry is so much more than just about making money; you just have to keep reaching out to people and be patient.
Well that’s a wrap ladies and gentleman. It was nice talking to this brilliant and kind-hearted woman. Jessica it was an honor talking to you and once again congrats on your books, that is certainty an honor to be proud of! I wish you the best on your future endeavors and may your success continue for years to come.
By the way please check out this young woman’s social media links, as they’re really cool and this woman is an overall cool person to be friends with. Give a check to her social links, her website: and her book!
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If you’re interested in getting Melissa’s book, head over to her Amazon page and grab yourself a copy her book, you’ll bound to enjoy it!
Link to her books:
Social Links:
Twitter: @jessmbaum