LitRPG novel progress and Inspiration for a new chapter.
Article By: Angel Ramon Medina
I continue to press my point that video games can spawn great stories and video game reads/LitRPG will be the future of the literary world. If you're a hardcore gamer like I am you might recognize this level from a certain game. It's the Aztec level from TimeSplitters 2, another awesome video game from my childhood. If you haven't played it, I suggest that you go play it, it's from the creators of GoldenEye 64 on the N64 Video Game System.
However, I'm not writing this post to brag about a childhood game, as good as it is. No, I'm writing this article because this level gave me the inspiration to write the next chapter of my current work in progress. It's basically a temple in the middle of Puerto Rico that is mysterious in nature and possesses a mysterious force that can prove to be a game changer for our heroes. I loved this particular level because of its level design and the scenery really caught my eye, even for a game that was released in 2002.
So I took this level and decided to put my own twist into it by adding a raging river, hard obstacles, and secret areas for our heroes to face in my new LitRPG story.
Obviously, I can't spill all my secrets on this post, lol. However, I do understand that the Taino's used to rule Puerto Rico before the Spanish came in to rule. So I decided to create a fictitious Taino temple in the heart of Puerto Rico in the most treacherous part of the island and our heroes have to use their wits to swing on vines, avoid spike traps, and even defeat stone golems. It might just be the most fun and most exciting chapter/level in the book. Especially if you're an Indiana Jones fan or a fan of exciting hidden temple reads.
As for my progress in the novel, I'm up to chapter 9 and I hope to finish chapter 10 by tomorrow, God Willing! I still plan to have the book done by the end of the summer season. Of course, I have a free download as well of the preview of the book, based on what I have written so far. So you can check out what I have written so far. Hope you enjoyed reading this small blog and if you're an author, I hope you found some inspiration or leave a comment.