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M.L. Williams

A Sci-Fi/Space Opera author has stopped into the Hybrid Nation for an interview! I personally love Sci-Fi, so this should be a fun interview! The man sounds cool as he has other hobbies besides writing, which we will let him tell us for himself. As seen on his website he is a hard-working author willing to pay his dues and is trying to write the best book possible, after all, isn’t that what we authors want to accomplish. Anyway, let’s quit the small talk, hehehe. M.L. Williams, welcome to the Hybrid Nation and let’s get this interview started!


1. When did you decide to become an author?


That’s a good question. I had the desire to become an author when I was in journalism school in college.


2. Why did you decide to become an author?


Writing is a wonderful way to try to bring your imagination into focus to be shared with others. You can express yourself in your characters and have them go on adventures you probably would never get to experience.


3. What genres do you plan to write for the future or will Sci-Fi be your specialty?


My training in journalism helped me appreciate many forms of writing. My next two projects will be a collection of columns (essays for you literary types) about growing up on a farm in the Midwest during the ‘60s and ‘70s and hopefully a historical novel with perhaps a touch of fantasy based on two of my great-grandfathers during and after the Civil War.



4. Besides writing, what else do you like to do and what are your hobbies?


Like a lot of writers, I also am a movie buff. Love Netflix. I have 6 grandchildren so am having fun watching them grow up. I grew up on a farm so enjoy doing anything outside: gardening, lawn care, trail walking, sightseeing. I also have traveled quite a bit in the past few years, including trips to Europe, Japan, and Australia.



5. Who’s your biggest inspiration for your writing?

 Vonnegut, Frank Herbert, Heinlein, Asimov, Clarke, Brian Herbert and Kevin J. Anderson



6. How much time do you dedicate to writing your books?

Well, my two books are about 100,000 words each. When writing, I tried to get at least 1,000 words done in 3 hours. I probably averaged a bit more than that. I will let you do the math. Quite a bit of time also went into editing and rewriting each book.



7. How important do you think writing and reading are to the young generation?

 I think it’s very important. Communication will be the key to future employment so I advise to brush up on writing and reading skills.


8. How excited were you when you finally published your first book?


It was a dream come true to open a box from a printer and see your books. It was also an emotional moment to see all my hard work coalesce into a book.


9. What is the easiest part of writing in your opinion?


Not sure there is an “easy” part. But the part that comes more naturally is the actual act of writing — capturing what your imagination is showing you.


10. What is the hardest part of writing in your opinion?


Editing and rewriting can be a struggle, especially when an editor or editors keep making corrections and asking for more or less in a scene or with a character.


11. What is your favorite and least favorite part of writing?


I think I covered this in questions 9 and 10.


12. What can we expect from you next?


I covered this in question three. But am happy to reiterate.

My next two projects will be a collection of columns about growing up on a farm in the Midwest during the ‘60s and ‘70s and hopefully a historical novel with perhaps a touch of fantasy based on two of my great-grandfathers during and after the Civil War.


13. How do you deal with writer's block?


As a journalist, my colleagues and I never had the luxury of writer’s block. A deadline will do that to you. I advise writing something about a character or a scene even if it gets thrown out later, it will get the flow going. If you’re really stuck, take a break. Go for a walk or read something. Anything that will change your mood and get your mind reset.


14. How do you manage to keep a work/life balance between family and writing?


I try to have a set time to write so a balance can be maintained.


15. If you like to say anything else such as advice, shoutouts, or just whatever’s in your mind say it now. The stage is yours!


I would encourage readers to support indie authors. There are a lot of talented writers doing great things. Thanks for this opportunity to talk about my books: Seers of Verde and its sequel, Return of the Earthers. Both were published in 2016.


Well, that’s a wrap ladies and gentleman. It was nice talking to this brilliant and kind-hearted man. M.L. Williams, it was an honor talking to you and once again congrats on your books, that is certainly an honor to be proud of! I wish you the best on your future endeavors and may your success continue for years to come.


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If you’re interested in getting M.L. Williams books, head over to the books Amazon page and grab yourself a copy of one of his books, you’ll enjoy them!


Link to his books:


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Twitter: @MLWilliamsinCR


Barnes and Noble (Book 1) 

Barnes and Noble (Book 2)

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