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Richard Klu Author Interview

An up and coming sci-fi author has stopped into the Hybrid Nation for an interview! The man sounds cool as he has other hobbies besides writing, which we will let him tell us for himself. As seen on his website he is a hard-working author willing to pay his dues and is trying to write the best book possible, after all, isn’t that what we authors want to accomplish. Anyway, let’s quit the small talk, hehehe. Richard Klu, welcome to the Hybrid Nation and let’s get this interview started!


1. When did you decide to become an author?

I don’t recall an exact time, it’s more of something that I just became over time.


2. Why did you decide to become an author?

It was a natural course of my life. It felt right to write and create and I kept with it.


3. What genres do you plan to write for the future?

Horror and fantasy. I am working on my first horror novel right now.


4. Besides writing what else do you like to do and what are your hobbies?

Art. I sketch, paint, sculpt, and do pointilism.


5. Who’s your biggest inspiration for your writing?

All the English teachers that tried to tell me my opinion of abstract works was wrong. Writing and art are a transfer of emotion. What makes one reader happy could make another sad. Art is different to everyone and that’s what makes it special. Writing is an art form. I feel like a lot of English teachers forget that. I had most of my English teachers come close to failing me until I was in college when one pulled me aside and actually explained to me what I was doing and how to better process my thoughts into words. Previous to writing, I had been akin to math. Whereas after this experience writing was like art for the first time.


6. How much time do you dedicate to writing your books?

Every day I strive for 5 pages. If 5 pages come quickly, an hour. If 5 pages come slowly longer. What’s important to me isn’t the time dedicated but the quality of my output. I could spend all day trying to figure out how to transition from one part of the story to another and have a 2 hour writing session that results in 1 page. Conversely, I could not think about writing all day and then sit down and flop out 10 pages. I guess the best way to say it would be that I don’t dedicate time. I dedicate brainpower.


7. How important do you think writing is to the young generation?

Writing is of equal importance to every generation.


8. How excited were you when you finally published your first book?

I was fairly excited.


9. What is the easiest part of writing in your opinion?

Creating a world. It's the easiest part. Imagine a whole world and the kind of things that are happening in it. Worlds are easy, they hold the story and concrete objects. The Story is harder. It’s made out of characters that change and have to deal with the events in the world.


10. What is the hardest part of writing in your opinion?

The hardest part of writing is finding people to read what you have to write and give you an honest opinion. You can’t ask a friend or family member. Their views of you are skewed. Your mom will tell you you're wonderful and you best friend will try not to hurt your feelings.


11. What is your favorite and least favorite part of writing?

I love that when people read my writing they will form their own views and opinions. Everyone will see my vision a little bit differently because of their own life experiences. My least favorite part of writing is that no matter what I do you will never see what I am creating through my eyes because we all have different experiences.


12. What can we expect from you next?

Another book.


13. How do you deal with writer's block?

I take a shower, a long hot shower. Then run freezing water over me. Then hot again. Shock your system. Also new experiences. New experiences stimulate brain chemistry.


Well, that’s a wrap ladies and gentleman. It was nice talking to this brilliant and kind-hearted man. Richard it was an honor talking to you and once again congrats on your books, that is certainly an honor to be proud of! I wish you the best on your future endeavors and may your success continue for years to come.


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If you’re interested in getting Richard Klu’s books, head over to the books Amazon page and grab yourself a copy of one of his books, you’ll enjoy them!


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Social Links:

Twitter: @Richard_Klu_




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