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Steven Moore

Another author has stopped by the Hybrid Nation for an interview. He’s a novelist and freelance writer who also happens to be a nomad. For those unfamiliar with what the word nomad means, it means someone who loves to travel and experience as many different places and cultures as possible. Steven is from Lowestoft, England, but now lives in Mexico, and is also an avid artist and sportsman. But we will let Steven tell us what he likes to do for himself. As seen on his website, Steven is a hard-working author who is willing to pay his dues, and is trying to write the best books possible. After all, isn’t that what all us authors want to accomplish?


Anyway, let’s quit the small talk


Steven Moore, welcome to the Hybrid Nation, and let’s get this interview started!



1. When did you decide to become an author?


Hi Angel, and thanks for taking the time to chat with me. I didn’t really decide to become an author. I enjoyed writing, and in 2012 my then fiancée challenged me to write a novel. So I did, and that’s how it started. So, in November, 2012.


2. Why did you decide to become an author?


It was because of the challenge. I enjoyed it, and when I finished my first book, people liked it. It inspired me to carry on writing.


3. What genres do you plan to write for the future?


I’m currently writing an action adventure series, and if it goes well, I think that is my future. I really enjoy it, and it is based on many of my own experiences.


4. Besides writing what else do you like to do and what are your hobbies?


As you mentioned, I love to travel. I have visited 54 countries so far, and I’ve lived and worked on 5 continents. Also, I love to read, paint and play sports. Hiking and reading are probably my favorite hobbies.



5. Who’s your biggest inspiration for your writing?


My wife is my biggest inspiration. But of famous people, I would say the action writer Clive Cussler, and my stories are somewhat inspired by Indiana Jones.


6. How much time do you dedicate to writing your books?


I treat writing my novels as if it was my full-time job. At least 5-6 hours a day, and often more. By the end of this year, I hope to make a decent living from being an author.


7. How important do you think writing is to the younger generation?


I think reading is more important. But for some people to read, other people also need to write. Writing is difficult, and not everyone can do it. Everybody should read, though, especially writers.


8. How excited were you when you finally published your first book?


It was super exciting. It was a long and difficult project, as I was still a full-time teacher. It took almost 2 years, but when it was finally published I was very proud and excited. It is a great achievement for any independent author.


9. What is the easiest part of writing in your opinion?


There is no easy part, but in my own case, writing the first draft is the easiest part. There is total freedom, and no pressure to write anything good. It should be a fun process without stress. That comes later.


10. What is the hardest part of writing in your opinion?


All of it. However, knowing when a project is the best you can make it, that is difficult. Nobody really knows if something is the best it can be, in other words, when it is finished…we just have to trust ourselves.


11. What are your favorite and least favorite parts of writing?


My favorite part of writing is the very first moment of a new book. A blank page and a pencil, and imagination is our only barrier. The least favorite? Marketing. I hate it.


12. What can we expect from you next?


I hope to release the first installment of my new series in 3 weeks, a novella called, ‘The Samurai Code’. It will be about 35,000 words and is an exciting story set in Japan. It involves samurai warriors, temples, mafia men, and will be a good old-fashioned adventure tale. The next 4, full-length novels will follow this year.


13. How much more do you prefer short stories over an actual novel?


I don’t, at all. I much prefer longer, full-length novels.


14. Finally, how do you deal with writer's block?


I’m lucky in that I haven’t yet suffered from writer’s block. If I did, I would not be too worried. All creative people struggle from time to time. The secret, I think, is not to let it bother me too much, take a break, do something fun, and when the time is right, get back to the project.


15. If you would like to say anything else such, as advice, shoutouts, or just whatever is in your mind, say it now. The stage is yours!


Thanks, Angel. Well, the bottom line is, people should do whatever they want. If they want to write but feel afraid, just try it. Same goes for painting, poetry, acting, mucis…anything. Don’t be afraid to try, because you never know, you might just be good at it. And if not, who cares? Good luck, everyone.


Well, that’s a wrap, ladies and gentleman. It was nice talking to this genuine and ambitious man. Steven, it was an honor talking to you, and once again congrats on your books. It is certainty an honor to be proud of! I wish you the best on your future endeavors, and may your success continue for years to come.


By the way, please check out this man’s website: It’s a really cool site, and this man is a genuinely cool man to be friends with. Give a check to his social links and his books!

If you’re interested in Steven’s travel tales, visit this site instead:


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Hybrid Nation Website:


If you’re interested in getting Steven Moore’s book, “I Have Lived Today”, head over to his Amazon page and grab your self a copy. I think you’ll enjoy it!


Link to Steven’s book:


Social Links:

Twitter: @21CenturyNomad








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