Writer's Block, what writer's block?
Article By: Angel Ramon Medina

Writer's block... oh yeah the "best" excuse for a writer to stop writing and begin to slack off on their craft. I say "best" because writer's block imitates a legitimate excuse for not writing. So what is writer's block, you ask? Writer's block is an "imaginary" obstacle where the writer claims he/she isn't able to write anymore because their ideas aren't coming in like before or they're in a "writing slump", another fancy excuse for writers to give up. Listen I might sound a bit insensitive, but for me, this "writer's block" is easily defeatable. To be fair I'm a full-time writer, so I have all day to write. It's understandable that some of you authors do have a social life and family to deal with.
Also, I understand "writer's fatigue". For me, this is an actual excuse that can be used. That's because I understand as writers we do get tired ourselves and sometimes we just need a rest, as our bodies do beg for it at times. Our brains do get exhausted at times, however, there are "correct" ways to deal with fatigue. To start, yes do take the day off or two if you need it. However, do not take the days off and binge watch, Two and a Half Men. Right there you're just wasting time and feeding your brain garbage that might cause you to lose your train of thought when you do get back to writing. Also don't go on a binge playing video games, which rots your brain much faster. Instead take the day off and do some exercise, catch up with friends/family or best of all read other people's works. After all, you will get better in your craft by reading the best or even reading other indie authors, which is my personal favorite to do. Better yet take the day and walk to the park or do some home improvement. Based on my own study, I pick up more ideas when I take a day just to walk or do some manual labor. I even pick up ideas that I thought I wouldn't pick up. All I'm asking is to do something productive when you're not writing other than watching television.

I'll be honest I have never really suffered from this "writer's block" nor do I really knock people for having it. I understand life can be challenging sometimes, but you'll fell much better once you finish the damn book. For me "writer's block" is an imaginary obstacle that is simply due to a lack of inspiration and is easily defeated by finding your inspiration again. Other people have called it a sign of laziness. While I don't agree with that 100%, I do say if you don't fix it then you're lazy and you really don't want to be a writer. Being a writer is more than just sitting on your butt and writing, it's much more.

I got the "inspiration" from a fellow author friend, Martin McConnell. He believes that writer's block doesn't exist either and asked me to give him my opinion. So I decided to do one better and write a post about this subject. Now I'm not asking you to be a robot if you need rest take it. Just don't get into the habit of taking too many breaks when you're on a roll. I hoped you enjoyed this article and if you get this imaginary disorder, defeat it as fast as you can!