Irma Fundraiser Update #1

Well as seen above is a photograph of the destruction on Saint Martin and the same was found in parts of Puerto Rico due to Hurricane Irma. While we can spend all day focused on the negative effects of Iram, but I'm here to spread some good vibes here. This is the first update for my quest to raise money for the poor victims who were not as lucky as I was.

Angel's Nightmare Adventure book one hit bestseller status for Horror Short Stories which is a great shot in the arm for my quest. As of this update I'm at $65 and that will only grow. So wish me luck and if you're interested you can help out as well. Plus I'm not even asking $10, I'm only ask that you purchase at least one of my awesome reads that are very cheap. Not to mention that you will enjoy them as well. Look out for two new works coming out as well in the next month or so.
Link to my books: